And so I begin, with coffee in hand, to compose the perfect "thank you" letter. My pen takes to the glossy white card and smooths that black ink onto its paper like a paintbrush to canvas. Each stroke begins to form a letter and finishes that stroke while emanating complex and contradicting emotions from that previous interview. All that anxiety and useless regret for the words conveyed begin to form an apology instead of gratitude. To the trash can it goes. Well, the last four cards have found their way to the trash in crumpled cardstock paper balls of exasperation. Uggh!
Like so many of my sketches, I erase those self deprecating marks and lines from that previous letter and begin again. Finally, after a multitude of embarrassing and yet necessary edits, this has the makings of a slightly less embarrassing email. Why not a note card? Well, I may have used them all up in my multiple attempts to create a well written note of gratitude. Email was what I had left. That said, this "Thank you" note may be the winner.
Dear Interviewer,
Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. (not too desperate, I hope?) I enjoyed the opportunity to converse with you and offer examples of my work in hopes that it would be compatible and compliment your marketing needs. Although my style leans towards the creative("leans"? My work screams "creative"), I believe that I could contribute the technical means you require if offered the resources to do so.
Although our styles vary, our visual aesthetic marries well in use of color and photographic perspective. I believe I would be bring perspective and support to this position. My illustrative background has enabled me to be very receptive to constructive criticism and work well in small and large group settings. (If you read my blog entry about Illustrator day, then you know I can rebound and learn with the best of them)
I am looking to work with someone in a low drama, teamwork setting. (I wanted to say NO drama, but I do need to be realistic) My work with Early Learning and Nursing background have cultivated my ability to anticipate my co worker's needs and carry them out with high expectations. As referenced from my previous employers, I have a high work ethic and prefer to work with those who see possibilities and apply the work to achieve them with preemptive planning and time managed execution.
Cassaundra Dunbridge.
It has only been within the recent years that I have identified myself as the "artistic" type. Unlike most artistic types, I enjoy and thrive on time lines, exceeding expectations, and critical thinking. Risk taking was never my forte', but I have come to embrace the possibilities that it affords. Of course, those risks apply to my art and not bungee jumping. The idea of the subjective is a vulnerable space allowing for judgement without the grounds of objective reasoning to support it. It is, therefore, opinion based and opinions can be had by anyone. No degree or professional background needed. The objective is to please the masses. My people pleasing personality plays well in this area.
Art Calls. Yes, the bullhorn sounds off with a reverberating tone heralding inspiration in forms of colors, shapes, and characters awaiting their creation in the form of a pencil sketch to paper. Soon, their existence will be unveiled as each paint stroke transforms their 2-D shape into a formed illustration full of hope and imagination. Yes, this will soon take place in my office of creativity and a brain full of endless visual inspiration. Artistic creation is about to unfold...And the coffee will begin to appear and disappear. These two go hand in hand as the warm brew of roasted coffee beans allows for relaxation and nostalgia.
With this email out in the the wondrous and sometimes mystical land of the internet, I wait. Soon, I will send the follow up email. Yes, there will be coffee.
A blog about my journey on illustrating, writing, and all the insanity in between. I began my journey as an aspiring author and found myself discovering a passion for illustrating for the children's book genre. I blog my art in progression, about the journey to my dream of traditional publishing, and more.
This is my journey in creating concepts, writing, illustrating, finding a literary agent, and becoming a published children's book author and illustrator for the picture book genre.