I must admit that I am a bit gun shy when it comes to the world of technology. It took me a long time to feel comfortable with setting up my blog. Although an aspiring author and illustrator can't hide behind blogspot forever. It is time to buy my own domain and create a website that is everything I want it to be. I have purchased the domain, www.cdunbridge.com . Now comes the fun. What do I do from there??? Well, I am starting to research web site builder sites to create my perfect web site and portfolio. I have a Wacom tablet coming this week to help expand my illustration abilities. Technology progress is happening. One thing that I took from my previous conference was to measure your progress. Are you plateauing or progressing? A year ago, an agent changed my life. She gave me time. Her time was a catalyst for new adventures. From those new adventures, my art has grown 10 fold. I have taken a class on children's story writing, applied for a grant, entered my work for cover illustration, and more. Now mind you, I have not won a grant or received the cover illustration spot light, but I put my work out there. My work was on display at an illustrator gallery and I received some great feedback. Life is a school and I am forever the willing student. I am very excited to take on the domain project and see what I can bring to it.