This is my journey in creating concepts, writing, illustrating, finding a literary agent, and becoming a published children's book author and illustrator for the picture book genre.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Write from your heart. When lost, that is where you should start.

I heard back from the agent whom I sent my work to.  What a kind person and a teacher, too. Although my work isn't right, her feedback has inspired me to continue on. After receiving her response, I put my kids in the car and off to the library we went. It was as if I had a guardian angel in the form of a librarian helping me. Her intervention equipped me with books in rhyme.  I picked up a couple of books from the infamous Dr. Seuss. His stories inspire me. I learned a lot about this gentleman and how he came to be. He lived on Newberry Street in Mass. I love that street! Stephanie an I tried on wedding dresses there, had coffee, and shopped at Lush. The brown brick stone buildings added to the ambiance. he wrote, "it happened on Mulberry Street" from the inspiration of this Bostonian Neighborhood. He was a man that never backed down from a challenge. He found ways around the rule book. His first early reader book was "Cat in the Hat" and later came "Green Eggs and Ham". Wait, maybe I have that backwards. It really doesn't matter. I think he would tell me to "write from your heart. When lost, that is where you should start". Can't is a contraction that makes giving up so easy. So easy, we shorten the two words and lose two letters. Maybe we would try harder if it took longer to say it.
Today, I move forward. I am reworking my story. I have taken on a challenge to shorten it and create a bigger picture for the reader and the illustrator (me!) I think I have a strong concept and some good writing. I just need to redefine my target age group. Do I want a read a loud or emergent reader? Much to think about and more drawing to do. It helps me think.
In turtlenese, they always say "please"

Onward, upward, and most of all, THANKFUL!