This is from another blog from the southern SCBWI region. It is great information that answers a ton of my questions. I am illustrating two more pieces right now for my portfolio. The time crunch of it all makes me nervous, but I work well under pressure. Today, I am going out to find a portfolio to match their recommendations. Tomorrow, I am having prints of my work made and labels to adhere to it. I may look for a display case to show my work as well. So nervous!!!! The link for the page is below.

A blog about my journey on illustrating, writing, and all the insanity in between. I began my journey as an aspiring author and found myself discovering a passion for illustrating for the children's book genre. I blog my art in progression, about the journey to my dream of traditional publishing, and more.
This is my journey in creating concepts, writing, illustrating, finding a literary agent, and becoming a published children's book author and illustrator for the picture book genre.