I am making a plan like Benny and Lilly. Today is the day that the mail will deliver my promo card and information to Scholastic. I have spent the morning working on my blog to set it up to facilitate contact info and illustration gallery. I want you to know more about me and I hope this helps. My promo card has been the death of me. It haunts me even now. I find myself wanting to improve and make it better. I guess that is a sign of a true artist, right. Your work is never complete. It can always improve upon itself. I have my favorite illustration on the cover of my postcard and the above sketch on its reverse. I hope that I will be able to tell Andy's story to thousands of kids someday. I want to share his journey through words and illustrations. I hope the new format works well. Please visit my FB page. I do update it a bit more often as it is easier to use by phone and tablet.

A blog about my journey on illustrating, writing, and all the insanity in between. I began my journey as an aspiring author and found myself discovering a passion for illustrating for the children's book genre. I blog my art in progression, about the journey to my dream of traditional publishing, and more.
This is my journey in creating concepts, writing, illustrating, finding a literary agent, and becoming a published children's book author and illustrator for the picture book genre.