The illustrator in me wants to draw and paint . I find comfort in the completion of these. Layers of colors develop into something dream worthy. It provides my imagination with an outlet to convey the beauty that I see in my mind's eye. I feel truly blessed to be able to communicate by the medium of color. Stories of words can be beautifully expressed through the magic of the written word, but it is a truly rewarding to see the colors I create develop into something that can communicate a story and wonder within themselves.
The author within me wants to write. I want to write stories. Tying myself to one story is difficult. So many inspirations stir in my mind. I want to write about my ant, about my Krumpies that encourage us to treat our Earth with love, and Abernathy. For now, my ant, lady bug, and bee keep me busy.
Prioritizing is difficult. I continue to work on Andy and hope that sometime soon he will receive some love from someone. I am still an un-agented writer/ illustrator without a book deal. I am aspiring a dream that is worth working towards. It isn't an easy dream. I write for an unknown audience. Hopefully someone will know someone and see potential. Opportunity knocks at odd times. We just have to listen. Well, I am listening for it. Please knock...Please!
A new page in the works below. It is a continuation from yesterday's page.

A blog about my journey on illustrating, writing, and all the insanity in between. I began my journey as an aspiring author and found myself discovering a passion for illustrating for the children's book genre. I blog my art in progression, about the journey to my dream of traditional publishing, and more.
This is my journey in creating concepts, writing, illustrating, finding a literary agent, and becoming a published children's book author and illustrator for the picture book genre.