This is my journey in creating concepts, writing, illustrating, finding a literary agent, and becoming a published children's book author and illustrator for the picture book genre.

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Don Freeman Grant

The Don Freeman grant: a grant that is given to aspiring author/ illustrators. Hey! I am aspiring and I write and illustrate children's stories!  One winner will win 2000 dollars towards their project. The runner up will be awarded 500 dollars. In truth, anything will help this aspiring author. As I looked over the paperwork, the tears began to well up in the corners of my eyes. The salty stream that flowed down the side of my cheek was a watery symbol of dreams and aspirations that my heart holds so tightly and has for several years now. It is an accumulation of strictly talent based ambitious fortitude dusted in dark voice of self debilitating, sabotaging words of all things prohibitive in my chances to succeed. It comes from a dark place rooted in the back of my mind creeping upward to dispel its brutal words of defeat. I ponder what my abilities lack instead of what they afford towards my achievements in writing. It is at this moment in my mind that I sit at an empty screen and question the possibilities. Where do I start? I am no longer fighting the shadows; I am embracing the unknown opportunities that have been graciously bestowed to me on behalf of my curiosity (a.k.a. google). "No" is just a word. The only power granted by its negativity is the power I grant it.
Eligibility states that this grant is open to members of both levels as long as the book is not under contract.  The money has to be used to help you complete your project. It can be used for conferences, childcare, purchasing art supplies, courses for writing, travel for research, and so much more. This works for me. I really want to attend the conference in LA come August.  I need photoshop elements, an e course, and a computer and scanner that would run it and allow me to make dummies in my home. I have a good list of how I would use the grant money.
Let's talk deadline. Well, that is quickly finding its way to impending submission of materials required. In other words, "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH". You get the idea. Deadlines freak me out. It is that "get 'er done" time.  Submissions may be submitted Feb 15- March 15. There are two possible outlines for submission procedure. Both offer their challenges. Only one entry per author.
Now, the fun part. As this sounds achievable, it is also a bit scary. There is more of a chance of rejection that acceptance in submitting for this grant. What is my career background? Oh, awesome. It has NOTHING to do with writing. Luckily, Mr. Zepeda ( helped me develop away to connect the two when writing my bio. In truth, I loved my composition classes in undergrad. That is when I realized that I could write. In High school, my writing skill sets were thought to be non existent. The lesson there is that High school won't define you. It is just another step on the road of growing up. Without experiences, we are boring, colorless creatures living in the mundane. Each human has a story, a hardship, and a life changing experience. Some are worse than others, but that is only subjective to the party who is critiquing.

Nothing says drive and passion like perseverance! So, ladies and gents, let the art and writing continue. Please wish me luck. Pics of my work are to follow in later blogs on this page. Please continue to follow me as I continue to aspire to be a children's book author!