This is my journey in creating concepts, writing, illustrating, finding a literary agent, and becoming a published children's book author and illustrator for the picture book genre.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

goal of getting published.

So, one of the many things I have learned for the conference was that it is important to get your work out there. Awards from a prestigious and recognizable organization helps someone who is aspiring to achieve the dream. I am preparing some sketches to submit to my region's SCBWI magazine in hopes to achieve recognition. Here is one that I am working on. It is in the preliminary form of sketch pad currently. I am drawing an idea inspired by my mom's dolls that she makes and planning a background.

Sometimes you have to scrap your first sketch and try again. That is exactly what I have done here. Below is a better sketch of where I want to go. jingle mouse, jingle mouse....

This isn't the greatest picture. THe sketch is done and I think I am ready to take this to watercolor. I still need a background and a story to this art, but the characters convey well in personality.