I finally finished this piece. He was a lot of fun to create. This little bear was created on 9x12 paper utilizing primarily watercolor with some pastel and pencil. I like the look of this bear and the shading choices in colors and lighting. He was inspired by my son's bear, Ethan Bear.
What happened to the flower, little Bear? Perhaps the day was too warm and this flower is thirsty? Perhaps it is a lesson about how beauty is short lived and fades in time. isn't it wonderful how a single picture can tell a story. Well, onto the next project!

A blog about my journey on illustrating, writing, and all the insanity in between. I began my journey as an aspiring author and found myself discovering a passion for illustrating for the children's book genre. I blog my art in progression, about the journey to my dream of traditional publishing, and more.
This is my journey in creating concepts, writing, illustrating, finding a literary agent, and becoming a published children's book author and illustrator for the picture book genre.
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