This is my journey in creating concepts, writing, illustrating, finding a literary agent, and becoming a published children's book author and illustrator for the picture book genre.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Sad bear

I recently decided to draw a teddy bear. He was cute and adorable; the perfect teddy bear. Something needed to change. When looking through my portfolio, many of my pictures reflect my optimistic personality. Yes, I am one of those happy people who try to look for the best in others. I love to look for happiness and use colors that reflect joy. It often translates in my art. recognizing this, I decided to make a sad illustration
My son was recently sad over a flower that had wilted from heat and the absence of water. Inspiration struck. I pulled out some 9x12 cold press and began to draw my sad teddy bear. A frown has many features to it. It isn't just about the mouth. The eyes really are the light of the soul. I began to bring his frown to his eyes and forehead. After that was done, the mouth just fell right into that sad place. It conveys the moment when beauty fades and you are left with a transformed flower. The petals begin to shed as the stem begins to droop. I am using gouache for this little guy. I have 4 shades of brown that I am blending to create the depth. This is another spot illustration. I am just starting to lay down base colors. I will continue to show the progression as I paint this piece.

Sad Bear

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