This is my journey in creating concepts, writing, illustrating, finding a literary agent, and becoming a published children's book author and illustrator for the picture book genre.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Fall is here!!!

That time has come for me to make some note cards and send them off to some art directors and agents I have met during my journey. My art has come far and I continue to grow as an illustrator from the wise words of mentors and those who have become successful in the field. Below is the sketch and progression of the illustration that I am working on. I am painting it in gouache. When Ms. Ruth Sanderson (author and illustrator of Cinderella and other retelling of fairy tales) critiqued my work, she told me to explore shades of colors. Well, she wasn't quite that gentle, but that was the meaning of it. I am really trying to integrate her wise words into my illustrations. I remember opening her books and appreciating the art of it. It is easy to get lost in a visual fairy tale. Below is the illustration that I am creating to send off in a note card. Please let me know what you think. Halloween allows us to be whomever we want for a night. Who do you think you will be on the last night of October?

I am beginning to add color and layers. I love palette paper for this and the hues of good quality gouache are wonderful!

I am incorporating some light to more finished areas and beginning some of the background. Leaves were something that was noticed at my last conference. I am making sure to add that touch again. It helps identify my work and style.

I will still need to add a few edits, but here is the close to done illustration! I call it "Punkinmouse"

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